Arting in Lansingland

I seem to have hit a major hindrance in blogging. It is not for lack of time or lack of subject. I have plenty of both. But I just can’t get started. It’s been more than a month since my last post and I even started one -which is still in draft, about Black History Month. Imagine! We’re past mid-March now.

So, since I can’t write, I’ll just share with you some of the drawings I did while in Lansingland. Yes, I did bring most of my art supplies with me. Of course I did. A girl can’t travel without them, you know…

Thing is, the Sidlets really like to draw. And they are both quite good in their different styles, I must say. They spend a lot of time arting, which I think is just the awesome. As it turned out, they really liked my pens and coloured pencils. One day, Sidlet # 2 was getting acquainted with my felt tip pens and drew several kitties, declaring that the pen was awesome. Then she moved onto homework and promptly forgot about the kitties. I – however, didn’t. I saved them, cut them out and gave them a playground:


For Sidlet # 2: Kitty Cafe

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