The Gender Roles Vs. Toys Issue


My Issues With Gender Roles & Toys


Why The [expletive here] Is This Still Happening?

I know I’m preaching to the choir here.  I know we have discussed this many times before.


I went to Mrs. Tiggy Winkles today, looking for a Christmas gift for my nephew.

I want something like a Jr. Scientist kit or something along those lines and that place is really good for it.  In fact, I looked for the gift at the Air & Space and the Natural History museums when I was in DC.  They did have some great ones but the problem was all the instructions were in English.  You see, my nephew lives in Colombia and doesn’t speak any English.  I thought it was weird that in a city were most signs are both in English and Spanish, I couldn’t find a geeky gift set with Spanish instructions.

The good news, Mrs. Tiggy Winkles has a ton of those “little Scientist” kits made in Europe.  All of them come with instructions in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Danish.  Score!

I think I’m gonna get him these two.  He’s a very curious kid and he likes to learn how things work and he’s very environmentally conscious so I think he will be happy with them.

But that’s not why I got annoyed. Continue reading