I’m a Page!

I finally did it!

I had been toying with the idea for a couple of years not. First I thought of a website but that idea never crystallized. Finally, I got tired of always wishing I could make a difference but not really doing anything about it.

Well, I did use my personal Facebook as a platform for my activism. Those who are friends with me there, know how bumpy that road is. And then there is A Canvas of the Minds, of course.

But I felt something else was needed. So after much procrastination, I followed my ADHD impulsiveness and Voilà:

The shiny brand new Summer Solstice Musings Facebook page!

Summer Solstice Musings

And now, I even have a shiny widget on this blog’s side bar, see?

FB Page Widget

Well, this is a new leg on my journey. I have no idea where will it take me but I am excited. 

Also, I don’t know if it is of any significance at all or not, but it is kinda cool that it coincides with World Suicide Prevention Day AND my mother’s birthday.

So yeah, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM, wherever you are!

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